Sep 13, 2024  
2009-2010 Catalog 
2009-2010 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Policies and Procedures Relating to Students


The following excerpts from the Edison State College District Academic Policies and Procedures Manual represent policies and procedures relating directly to students. The complete official manual, including forms, may be accessed through the College’s home page, Click on the District Administration link on the left side of the home page, which will expand to reveal additional links. Click on the Academic Affairs link next. This will open a page with more links. The second link from the top is Academic Policies and Procedures.

Effective Catalog Policy

The College Catalog is the official document that describes the policies, academic programs and requirements for students attending Edison State. Students are responsible for knowing and adhering to the policies and requirements that affect them. A student’s effective catalog is the Edison State catalog in effect at the time of the student’s initial enrollment at Edison State. A continuously enrolled student may choose to meet the graduation requirements specified in either the catalog in effect at the time of initial enrollment or at the time of graduation. Graduation requirements refer to the specific combination of general education courses, required core courses, elective courses, and any other completion requirements such as passing scores on exams or completion of capstone projects. If the prerequisite requirements for any course change since the student’s time on initial enrollment, the student must meet the prerequisites in effect during the term that the student registers for the course.

A student whose enrollment was interrupted for more than one year must meet the graduation requirements of the catalog in effect at the time of readmission or at the time of graduation. Students entering limited-access programs, such as Nursing, must meet the graduation requirements of the catalog in effect at the time of entry into the limited-access program. Exceptions to the effective catalog policy may be necessary if degree requirements change as a result of changes in statute, accreditation requirements, or requirements of other regulatory agencies to which Edison State College is subject.

Although Edison State faculty, staff and administrators assist students in meeting the requirements for a degree or certificate, it is ultimately the student’s responsibility to meet those requirements. Edison State does not award a degree or certificate until all requirements and obligations have been met. Questions regarding application of this rule can be directed to the Office of the Registrar.

Class Attendance, Absence

Students are expected to attend all class periods of the courses for which they are registered. Absence from several meetings of a course may result in a lower grade, depending on the professor’s grading policy. The determination of what constitutes excessive absence in any course rests with the professor conducting that course. Attendance requirements for a given course are to be found in the course syllabus.

Class Cancellations

Edison State attempts to honor its commitment to provide the classes scheduled for a given term. However, at times, usually due to low enrollment, it may be necessary to cancel a class. In such cases every effort will be made to find an appropriate alternate class for the student.

Religious Observance

Per Section 1006.53, Florida Statutes, the Edison State College policy on observance of religious holy days provides that students shall, upon notifying their instructor, be excused from class to observe religious holy days of their faith. The student will be held responsible for any material covered during the excused absence, but will be permitted a reasonable amount of time to complete any work missed. Students who feel this policy has been improperly applied may have their grievance addressed through the general academic appeals process.

Common Course Syllabus

The common course syllabus provides students with information such as the description of the course, prerequisites, the major topics to be covered in the course, and the skills to be mastered as a result of taking the course. This information is the same for all sections of the course.

The common course syllabus also provides a detailed description of the particular section of the course that a student is enrolled in during a particular semester, and includes such information as schedule of class meetings and assignments, attendance policies, course materials, and scheduled test dates. Students can access generic course syllabi from the Edison State College Web site. Looking at common course syllabi before enrolling in courses each semester can be helpful because they provide more detailed information than a course description about what a course requires. Common course syllabi can be found at Click on the District Administration link on the left, then click on the Academic Affairs link, then click on the Course Descriptions and Outlines folder link. Common course syllabi are arranged alphabetically by subject area.

Final Examinations

The final examination schedule is published online at It is the student’s responsibility to know when and where the final examination is scheduled.

Standards of Academic Progress

The purpose of maintaining Standards of Academic Progress is to assist Edison State in identifying and providing help to students who are having academic difficulties. The intent of SOAP is to inform students that they are not making appropriate academic progress. Students are required to meet with an Academic Advising Specialist or Coordinator of Retention Services to discuss ways of improving their academic status.

To complete degree and certificate program requirements, students are required to maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of “C” (2.0 on a 4.0 scale) or better. The District Director of Counseling, Advising and Assessment sends written notification to each student placed on Academic Suspension, Probation after Academic Suspension or Academic Dismissal.

  1. Good Academic Standing: Students are considered in good academic standing if they maintain a 2.0 or higher cumulative GPA and earn credit in greater than 50 percent of the total credits attempted.
  2. Academic Warning: Students are considered on academic warning if they have attempted 12 credit hours or less with a cumulative GPA less than 2.0, or have earned credit in only 50 percent of the total credits attempted. These students should see an Academic Advising Specialist or Coordinator of Retention Services prior to future registration. Academic warning limits a student’s enrollment to twelve (12) credits in Fall, Spring and Summer, and six (6) credits in Summer A and B.
  3. Academic Probation: Students whose cumulative GPA is below 2.0 are placed on academic probation. These students are required to see an Academic Advising Specialist or Coordinator of Retention Services to determine the best strategies to improve their academic progress. Academic Probation limits a student to nine (9) credits in the Fall, Spring and full Summer semesters and limits a student to three(3) credits in Summer A and B semesters. Students on academic probation are placed on suspension if they fail to achieve a 2.0 term GPA in the following semester. Students could jeopardize their financial aid eligibility, scholarship or veteran’s benefits.
  4. Academic Suspension: Students who failed to achieve a 2.0 term GPA while on academic probation are suspended for one semester (e.g., Fall, Spring, Summer). Students may petition their suspension to continue their enrollment by completing an academic petition form obtained via the Office of Counseling and Advising or the Edison State College Web site. (Please see Petitions in the Student Records  section for more information.) Students approved for continuation of enrollment through petition will be placed on Probation After Academic Suspension status and required to enroll in the course, SLS 1107 Achieving Academic Success. Students whose petitions are denied are suspended for one (1) semester.
  5. Probation After Academic Suspension: Students who reenter Edison State following academic suspension are required to work closely with an Academic Advising Specialist or the Coordinator of Retention Services who helps the student develop an appropriate schedule of classes. Probation After Academic Suspension limits a student to nine credits in the Fall, Spring and full Summer semesters and limits a student to three credits in Summer A and B semesters. Students who fail to maintain or improve their current cumulative GPA and fail to achieve a 2.0 GPA in their most recent semester are dismissed for one (1) full academic year.
  6. Academic Dismissal: Students who have been on probation after academic suspension and have failed to achieve a 2.0 term GPA are dismissed for one full academic year. Students may petition their dismissal to continue their enrollment by completing an academic petition form obtained via the Office of Counseling and Advising or Edison State Web site. (Please see Petitions in the Student Records  section for more information.) Students approved for continuation of enrollment through petition will be placed on Probation After Dismissal status and required to enroll in the course, SLS 1107 Achieving Academic Success. Students whose petitions are denied are dismissed for one (1) full academic year. At the end of the dismissal period, the student must petition for readmission.

Grading Policies and Multiple Course Attempts

Grade Point System
  The following grade symbols and grade point weights are used at Edison State College.
  A Excellent 4 points
  B Good 3 points
  C Average 2 points
  D Poor 1 point
  F Failure 0 points
  I Incomplete* 0 points
  NR Not reported 0 points
  P Pass 0 points
  S Satisfactory 0 points
  W Withdraw** 0 points
  X Audit (No credit) 0 points
* See Incomplete Grade, here .
**See Course Withdrawal Policy, here .

Maximum Course Attempts

In accordance with State Board of Education Rule 6A-14.0301, students may attempt the same course a maximum of three times at Edison State. Enrollment in a course beyond the last day to drop with a refund counts as an attempt for the purposes of this rule. Upon the third attempt, the student is not permitted to withdraw from the course and will receive a grade for the course. Course withdrawals and earned grades count toward the maximum attempts.

Multiple Attempt Course Surcharge

Florida Statute requires that any student enrolled more than two times in the same state-funded undergraduate course, including college preparatory courses, be assessed an additional fee per credit hour. Students are assessed the additional fee on the third and subsequent attempt. Any coursework taken prior to the Fall 1997 semester does not count as an attempt when determining course attempts. Only coursework repeated at Edison State count in attempts. Transfer coursework does not count in the repeat calculation.

Florida Statute also provides a one-time exception to the surcharge based on extenuating circumstances or financial hardship. (Please see Petitions in the Student Records  section for more information.)

Course Withdrawal Policy

A student can withdraw without academic penalty from any course in a term by the mid-point of that term. Withdrawals after that date may be granted only through established institutional procedures. The College Calendar  provides information on important dates for each semester, such as the last day to withdraw from courses without a penalty.

In order to withdraw from a course or courses, the student must complete a request to withdraw from a course. This request can be secured in the Counseling Center or Registrar’s Office and be turned in at the Registrar’s Office.

Students who officially withdraw from a class or classes any time prior to the date listed in the College Calendar will receive a grade of “W.” A student will be limited to two withdrawals per course. Upon the third attempt, the student will not be permitted to withdraw, and will receive a grade for that course.

Incomplete Grade

A grade of “I” is given only when the student has successfully completed most of the course in question and, in the judgment of the professor, is able to make up any deficit within the assigned time frame. A student who receives an “I” must make up the deficiency and have the change of grade recorded in the Office of the Registrar no later than last day to remove incomplete grades as published in the College Catalog. After that, the grade defaults to an “F.” The responsibility for making the necessary arrangements with a professor for the removal of an “I” rests with the student. A student may not register for a class in which they have an “I” grade.

If a professor awarding an “I” is not going to be available the following term, it is the responsibility of the professor awarding an “I” to make arrangements for the student to deliver the necessary completed coursework to a fellow faculty member or the professor’s supervisor for a change of grade.

In such a case, it is the professor’s responsibility to inform the faculty member or supervisor and the student, in writing, what needs to be completed in order for the “I” to be changed. The professor should provide a copy of the student’s grades to date, and describe the student’s remaining work and final grading procedure.

In extreme cases where circumstances prevent a professor from assigning a grade, final responsibility for the grade change rests with the supervisor.

Grade Corrections

The responsibility for the evaluation of student coursework and the assignment of final grades rests with the professor who has been assigned to teach that course. A student who believes that an error was made in the assignment of their final grade must contact his or her professor by the 28th calendar day after the start of classes in the following semester. For example, the student must request the review of a grade that was assigned in the Fall Semester by the 28th calendar day after the start of Spring classes.

The professor who assigned the final grade must initiate a Change of Grade. The Change of Grade form must be approved by the appropriate academic dean and forwarded to the Office of the Registrar.

As a matter of practice, a grade is corrected only in the instance where an error was made in the recording of a grade. Under no circumstances will an academic dean change a student’s grade. In rare cases under compelling extenuating circumstances, an academic dean may ask a professor to consider changing a grade if it is deemed appropriate to do so.

During the semester professors will communicate directly with those students who are doing unsatisfactory work. Students with unsatisfactory performance are encouraged to meet with their professors with a view toward improving their work.

Grade Forgiveness Policy

The Grade Forgiveness Policy permits students to repeat a course in an attempt to improve a grade of “D” or “F”. A student will be limited to two repeats per course, or a total of three attempts. Upon the third attempt, the student is not permitted to withdraw from the course and the grade assigned is the final grade for the course. Course withdrawals and earned grades count toward the maximum attempts.

Grade forgiveness is automatic, beginning Summer B, 1995, for all students who have repeated courses at Edison State College. Students must complete a Grade Forgiveness Form only if BOTH the original and the forgiven grades were awarded in terms or semesters previous to Summer B 1995, or if both courses were transferred to Edison State from other institutions.

Students should be aware that some colleges or universities may not accept the grade of a repeated course, or may compute grade point averages incorporating the grade originally assigned.

Students receiving financial aid of any type are cautioned to check with the Financial Aid Office to ensure that the repeated courses will count toward their financial aid award.

Only the last grade earned in a repeated course will be computed into the grade point average at Edison State, provided that the last assigned grade is not a “W” or an “X” (Audit). However, all grades will appear on the transcript.

Students may not repeat a course to improve a grade point average after the awarding of the Associate degree.

This policy applies to courses that are repeated for grade forgiveness purposes. It does not apply to courses designated as repeatable.

Student requests for a change of grade to a “W” must be submitted through a petition for Exception to Registration Policies and Procedures.

Other Academic Policies

Dean’s List

At the conclusion of the Fall and Spring semesters only, the Office of the Registrar will generate a list of students completing 12 or more credits whose grade point average is 3.5 or above, and who did not receive any grade below a “C”. The list is published after the period allowed for students to make up “Incompletes.” The Dean’s List will be posted on each campus, and each student on this list will receive a letter noting the accomplishment, signed by the appropriate academic officer for each campus. A notation of this accomplishment will be made on the transcript of each student so honored. Please note: College Preparatory Courses and course beginning with the prefixes EAP, PEL, PEM, PEN, and SLS are not considered in calculating Dean’s List eligibility.

Latin Honors Graduation Distinction for Baccalaureate Students

Baccalaureate students with a record of academic achievement may be considered for Latin honors upon graduation. To graduate with a Latin honors distinction, baccalaureate degree candidates must have completed a minimum of 39 credit hours of upper division graded coursework at Edison State College and must have earned an overall grade point average (GPA) of 3.50 or higher. Latin honors designations are conferred according to following scale and are noted on a student’s official academic transcripts and diploma:

Cum Laude (with honors): an overall GPA of 3.50, but below 3.70
Magna Cum Laude (with high honors): an overall GPA of 3.70, but below 3.90
Summa Cum Laude (with highest honors): an overall GPA of 3.90 or higher

When determining Latin honors for graduation, the GPA is not rounded up (e.g., 3.49 is not rounded up to 3.50 for graduation with an honors designation).

Recognition of Latin Honors at Commencement:

Candidates who have accumulated the minimum Latin honors GPA requirements, prior to the term of graduation, will be recognized at the commencement ceremony and will be provided with gold honors cords. Candidates who will become eligible for honors after the current term’s grades are recorded will not be recognized at the commencement ceremony, but will have the honors designation posted on their official academic transcripts and diploma.

Baccalaureate Regalia:

Candidates for the baccalaureate degree will dress in the traditional black gown. Gold embossed diploma covers will be presented to baccalaureate graduates. Tassels for placement on the traditional graduation cap will represent the color associated with the baccalaureate discipline. The colors associated with the different disciplines are as follows:




Light Blue



Public Administration

Peacock Blue

Faculty Office Hours

Full-time professors are required to schedule a minimum of 10 hours per week of office hours, during which time they will be physically present on campus and available to assist students. The scheduling of these office hours is subject to the approval of the professor’s supervisor but should ideally be distributed over the five working days each week. Office hours will be posted on or near faculty office doors. Additional office hours beyond the required 10 hours may be scheduled, and students may also be seen by appointment. Faculty teaching online courses have the same requirements for holding office hours, but may hold a portion of their office hours online.

Part-time professors are required each semester to make themselves available for student consultation before or after class. They may also make themselves available by appointment, phone, voice mail, or e-mail. Availability to students should be appropriately noted in the class syllabus.

Individualized Study

Individualized Study leads to the completion of a college course and the receipt of academic credit. The content of the learning experience is completed under the direction of a professor assigned to work with the student independently of the normal class schedule. While Edison State College recognizes the legitimate need for such learning experiences, its policy is to keep this practice to a minimum. Individualized Study may be used to complete required courses when extenuating circumstances exist as defined by the academic dean. Approval must be obtained before the student is allowed to take the course.

Individualized Study courses are permitted for the following circumstances:

  1. A regularly scheduled course is cancelled due to insufficient enrollment and no alternate course can be taken to meet the student’s educational goals for that semester.
  2. A student is unable to complete a needed regularly offered class due to a documented medical or learning disability, or unique work schedule. Appropriate documentation must be provided by the student.
  3. A student is in his/her last semester and a course required for graduation is not being offered and an appropriate substitute is unavailable.

The request form for Individualized Study is obtained at the academic dean’s office, or at Edison State’s Web page Click on the District Administration link on the left, then click on the Academic Affairs link, then click the Forms link, and click on the Word Format link. The Individualized Study form will be on the list of forms available for download. The Individualized Study form must be completed and submitted to the academic dean prior to the end of the drop/add period for the given semester. Once the form is approved, the student may register for the class. It is the professor’s responsibility to prepare the syllabus for each Individualized Study.

The standard college grading system applies to all Individualized Study. Grades earned through Individualized Study have the same status as those earned through regular class attendance.

Word-Processing or Typing Policy

Students are expected to type or word-process papers presented in courses taken for credit. Edison State’s basic composition course, ENC 1101, requires students to demonstrate competence in the basic use of computers, including word processing. The word processing of papers is regarded as the norm and is considered good practice for students transferring to upper-division colleges and universities. Students who cannot type are urged to enroll in a keyboarding class, or to seek assistance through various options available in Academic Support Programs.

Student Review of Instruction and Course Evaluations

In order to improve the teaching/learning process, further course and program development, and encourage faculty professional development, it is necessary to gather information regarding instructional practices and procedures. Among relevant kinds of information is the student’s opinion regarding classes he/she is taking. Student Review of Instruction and Course Evaluation forms are distributed after mid-term examinations. The professor arranges for a student in the class to administer the survey and is not to be present while the survey is completed. Written comments regarding any aspect of instruction in the survey are encouraged. Students are encouraged to be as candid and as accurate as possible. Written comments should focus on elements that the student thinks can be improved, or on elements that were particularly effective or satisfying so that these may be retained.

The person administering the survey should remain in the room for questions, collect the survey and materials, seal responses in the envelope provided, and return the envelope to the designated office. The survey and the envelope should be checked to verify the semester, year, course number, section and professor’s name. For those enrolled in distance learning, the survey is given to the student by the test proctor when the student takes the last proctored exam of the semester. Copies of these directions may be obtained from any instructional administrator’s office. Class averages, other survey results, and comments are reviewed by the appropriate instructional supervisor.

Surveys will be forwarded to the professor after the term is completed so the professor may benefit from students’ opinions regarding instruction.

Student Surveys

Edison State College will periodically distribute surveys to students in order to obtain information useful in evaluating education programs, student services and many other aspects of the College and its mission. These surveys may be sent by mail, administered over the phone, administered by a link to a Web site sent by e-mail, or administered in the classroom. They may be administered to a cross-section of students, to graduates of particular programs or to students enrolled for a short time. Results of student surveys are shared with administrators, faculty, the Board of Trustees and with students. Findings are reported as summaries of all responses, without identifying any particular student. The information is used to identify ways to improve programs and services, and to plan future activities. Student participation in surveys ensures that the information gathered provides an accurate basis for decision-making.

Textbook Selection Process

It is the practice of Edison State College to encourage selection of the same textbooks for all sections of a particular course. This ensures some consistency in the content covered in each course section. The College anticipates that, except in unusual circumstances, course materials will be adopted for at least one year. Committees will meet each year to review materials currently in use and to make decisions regarding the continued use of course textbooks and materials or the adoption of new materials.

Foreign Language Requirement

State Board of Education Rule 6A-10.02412 stipulates that all undergraduate students who admit to a Florida public university must have earned two credits of sequential foreign language at a secondary level (high school) or the equivalent of such instruction at the postsecondary level (2 semesters). The equivalent number of college credits in American Sign Language may substitute for the foreign language admission requirement. In certain cases students may be admitted without the completion of this requirement but must satisfy the foreign language requirement prior to graduation from the university. This requirement does not apply to students who have already earned a baccalaureate degree or those students who entered a state university in Florida prior to Fall 1987. (NOTE: some majors may have a foreign language graduation requirement in addition to admission requirement.) Please consult with the Coordinator of Counseling Services or an Academic Advising Specialist about the foreign language requirements.

Edison State College does not require completion of foreign language for admission into its baccalaureate degree programs. Students much have completed Florida’s foreign language requirement prior to the completion of a bachelor’s degree. Students may beet this competency in two ways:

  1. successful completion of two years of a single foreign language while in high school (official high school transcripts must be submitted to the College registrar), or
  2. successful completion of two semesters (8-10 credit hours) of a single foreign language in a college (or through corresponding College Level Examination Program CLEP exams). Edison State College may determine standards for review of non-traditional foreign language competence for languages not available through CLEP (in languages other than French, German and Spanish).

Lifelong Learning Surcharge

Florida Statute requires that students who enroll in courses that were taken previously and passed with a grade of “C” or higher, be charged a Lifelong Learning continuous enrollment surcharge. Edison State College bills the new course at the out-of-state tuition rate. This rule applies even if the original course was transferred to Edison State College from an out-of-state school.