Jan 16, 2025  
2016-2017 Catalog 
2016-2017 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Degree Acceleration and Honors Programs

Degree Acceleration Programs

Dual Enrollment

Dual enrollment provides an opportunity for qualified high school students to enroll in Florida SouthWestern State College courses while still enrolled in high school. Dual enrolled students receive both high school and college credit. College preparatory, Applied Music, and health and wellness courses are not included in the dual enrollment program.

To qualify for dual enrollment, all candidates must demonstrate readiness for college-level work. Readiness for college-level work is determined through achievement of the state minimum cutoff scores on the appropriate sections of the PERT or appropriate ACT-E or SAT-R scores (please see Testing Services, in the Student Services section, and each county’s Dual Enrollment Articulation Agreement for more information) and meet the minimum high school GPA requirement, as outlined in the Dual Enrollment Articulation Agreements.

Dual enrollment students must complete the “Dual Enrollment/Early Admissions Students Application” at www.fsw.edu/apply.  In addition, the dual enrolled student will submit a completed “Accelerated High School Registration Approval Form” listing the courses that they are approved to register for each term. This form must be signed by the high school principal or designee and the applicant. Students are able to enroll in classes on a Florida SouthWestern State College campus, FSW online, or on their high school campus.

Dual enrollment students are exempt from application, matriculation and tuition fees. Textbooks and instructional materials for public school students are provided by the school district. Students enrolled in non-public schools or in home school programs must pay for their textbooks and instructional materials.

Early Admissions

Early admissions provides an opportunity for qualified high school seniors to enroll full time in college-level coursework through Florida SouthWestern State College courses while still enrolled in high school.

Early admissions students receive both high school and college credit. College preparatory courses, applied music, health and wellness courses, and courses less than three credits (unless a required science laboratory co-requisite) are not included in the early admissions program.

To qualify for early admissions, seniors must have a minimum un-weighted high school GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale and must demonstrate readiness for college-level work. Readiness for college- level work is determined through achievement of the state minimum cutoff scores on the appropriate sections of the PERT, or appropriate ACT-E or SAT-R scores (please see Testing Services, in the Student Services section, and the county’s Dual Enrollment Articulation Agreement).

Early admissions students submit a completed “Accelerated High School Registration Approval Form” listing the courses that are approved to register for each term. Early admissions students must self-identify on the Accelerated High School Registration Approval Form” and must be signed by the high school principal or designee and the applicant. Early admissions students are exempt from application, matriculation and tuition fees. Textbooks and instructional materials for public school students are provided by the school district. Students enrolled in non-public secondary schools or in home school programs must pay for their textbooks and instructional materials.

Collegiate Institute

The Collegiate Institute is a form of Early Admissions for high school juniors and seniors.  It is an articulated acceleration mechanism between Florida SouthWestern State College and the School Districts within the college’s service district. The goal of the Collegiate Institute is to provide education to high school students who seek the environment of a high-performing high school while also undertaking college-level studies.  The curriculum will enable students to complete (or near competition of) an AA degree while earning the high school diploma.  Admission requirements for the Collegiate Institute vary by county, and are outlined in the Collegiate High School Programs Articulation Agreements.

Collegiate Institute students are exempt from application, matriculation and tuition fees. Textbooks and instructional materials for public school students are provided by the school district. Students enrolled in non-public schools or in home school programs must pay for their textbooks and instructional materials.

Advanced Placement

Florida SouthWestern State College participates in the Advanced Placement Program (AP) offered by the College Board to provide greater flexibility and opportunity for high school students to proceed with their education. Students must submit to the Office of the Registrar an official transcript from the College Board for scores to be considered. Florida SouthWestern State College awards college credit for qualifying AP examination scores based on standards recommended by the Florida Department of Education and the Articulation Coordinating Committee. Acceptance of AP tests and scores is subject to change without notice. AP credit is not granted if the student has already earned credit for the course. Courses in bold are non-institutional course numbers that are state-mandated for use in awarding credit to those students meeting the criteria.

Examination AP Score of 3 AP Score of 4 AP Score of 5
  FSW Course Credits FSW Course Credits FSW Course Credits
Art History ARH 1000 3 ARH 1050, 1051 6 ARH 1050, 1051 6
Biology BSC 1005/1005L, BSC 1005C 4 BSC 1010/1010L 4 BSC 1010/1010L and BSC 1011/1011L 8
Calculus AB MAC 2311 4 MAC 2311 4 MAC 2311 4
Calculus BC MAC 2311 4 MAC 2311, 2312 8 MAC 2311, 2312 8
Chemistry CHM 1020C 4 CHM 2045/2045L 4 CHM 2045/2045L & CHM 2046/2046L 8
Chinese Language and Culture FOR 1001 4 FOR 1001 & FOR 1002 8 FOR 1001 & FOR 1002 8
Computer Science A CGS 1075 3 CGS 1075 3 CGS 1075 3
Computer Science AB CGS 1076 3 CGS 1076 3 CGS 1076 3
Economics: Macro ECO 2013 3 ECO 2013 3 ECO 2013 3
Economics: Micro ECO 2023 3 ECO 2023 3 ECO 2023 3
English Language and Composition ENC 1101 3 ENC 1101, 1102 6 ENC 1101, 1102 6
English Literature and Composition ENC 1101, or 1 course in AML, ENL, or LIT 3 ENC 1101 and either ENC 1102 or LIT 1005 6 ENC 1101 and either ENC 1102 or LIT 1005 6
Environmental Science ISC 1051 3 ISC 1051 3 ISC 1051 3
European History EUH 1000 3 EUH 1000, 1001 6 EUH 1000, 1001 6
Foreign Languages
(Modern languages)

FRE 2220

SPN 2220

GER 2220


FRE 2220, 2221

SPN 2220, 2221

GER 2220, 2221


FRE 2220, 2221

SPN 2220, 2221

GER 2220, 2221

French Literature FOR 2001 3 FOR 2001, 2002 6 FOR 2001, 2002 6
Government and Politics: Comparative CPO 2001 3 CPO 2001 3 CPO 2001 3
Government and Politics: United States POS 2041 3 POS 2041 3 POS 2041 3
Human Geography GEO 2400 3 GEO 2400 3 GEO 2400 3
Italian Language & Culture FOR 2001 4 FOR 2001 & FOR 2001 8 FOR 2001 & FOR 2002 8
Japanese FOR 2001 4 FOR 2001 & FOR 2002 8 FOR 2001 & FOR 2002 8
Latin LNW 1321 3 LNW 1321 3 LNW 1321 3
Latin Literature LNW 1700 3 LNW 1700 3 LNW 1700 3
Latin: Vergil LNW 1321 3 LNW 1321 3 LNW 1321 3
Music Theory MUT 1001 (Composite 3 or higher) MUT 1111, MUT 1241 (Aural & Non-aural composite 3 or higher) 3
MUT 1001 (Composite 3 or higher) MUT 1111, MUT 1241 (Aural & Non-aural composite 3 or higher 3
MUT 1001 (Composite 3 or higher) MUT 1111, MUT 1241 (Aural & Non-aural composite 3 or higher 3
Physics 1 PHY 2053/2053L 4 PHY 2053/2053L 4 PHY 2053/2053L 4
Physics 2 PHY 2054/2054L 4 PHY 2054/2054L 4 PHY 2054/2054L 4
Physics B PHY 2053/2053L 4 PHY 2053/L & PHY2054/L 8 PHY 2053/L & PHY2054/L 8
Physics C: Electricity/Magnetism PHY 2054/2054L 4 PHY 2049/2049L 4 PHY 2049/2049L 4
Physics C: Mechanics PHY 2053/2053L 4 PHY 2048/2048L 4 PHY 2048/2048L 4
Psychology PSY 2012 3 PSY 2012 3 PSY 2012 3
Research IDS 3 IDS 3 IDS 3
Seminar IDS 1350 3 IDS 1350 3 IDS 1350 3
Spanish Literature FOR 2001   FOR 2001 & FOR 2002 6 FOR 2001 & FOR 2002 6
Statistics STA 2023 3 STA 2023 3 STA 2023 3
Studio Art: Drawing Portfolio * ART 1300C 4 ART 1300C 4 ART 1300C 4
Studio Art: 2-D Design Portfolio * ART 1201C 4 ART 1201C 4 ART 1201C 4
Studio Art: 3-D Design Portfolio * ART 1203C 4 ART 1203C 4 ART 1203C 4
United States History AMH 2010 3 AMH 2010, 2020 6 AMH 2010, 2020 6
World History WOH 1023 3 WOH 1023 3 WOH 1023 3
Examination FSW Course Credits FSW Course Credits FSW Course Credits

College-Level Examination Program (CLEP)

Florida SouthWestern State College participates in the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) offered by the Educational Testing Service (ETS) to provide greater flexibility and opportunity for students to proceed with their education. Students must submit to the Office of the Registrar an official transcript from the Educational Testing Service for scores to be considered. Florida SouthWestern State College awards college credit for qualifying CLEP examination scores based on standards recommended by the Florida Department of Education and the Articulation Coordinating Committee.

Acceptance of CLEP tests and scores is subject to change without notice. CLEP credit is not granted if the student has already earned credit for the course. Courses in bold are non-institutional course numbers that are state-mandated for use in awarding credit to those students meeting the criteria. In some instances, courses that are currently inactive at Florida SouthWestern State College must be used; those inactive courses will be designated with an asterisk (*). For additional information, contact the Testing Services area on your local campus.

CLEP Examination

Credit Award
Information Systems and Computer Applications 50 CGS 1077 (3)
Business Law, Introductory to 50 BUL 2241 (3)
Accounting 50 ACG 1001 (3)
Management, Principles of 50 MAN 2021 (3)
Marketing, Principles of 50 MAR 2011 (3)
American Literature 50 AML 1000 (3)
College Composition 50 ENC 1101 (3), 1102 (3)
College Composition Modular (essay must be passed) 50 ENC 1101 (3), 1102
English Literature 50 ENL 1000 (3)
French Language Level 1 50 FRE 1120 (4)
French Language Level 2 59 FRE 1120 (4), 1121 (4)
German Language Level 1 50 GER 1120 (4)
German Language Level 2 60 GER 1120 (4), 1121 (4)
Spanish Language Level 1 50 SPN 1120 (4)
Spanish Language Level 2 63 SPN 1120 (4), 1121 (4)
American Government 50 POS 2041 (3)
History of the United States I 50 AMH 2010 (3)
History of the United States II 50 AMH 2020 (3)
Human Growth and Development 50 DEP 2004 (3)
Humanities 50 HUM 2235 (3)
Educational Psychology, Introduction to 50 EDP 2002 (3)
Psychology, Introductory 50 PSY 2012 (3)
Sociology, Introductory 50 SYG 1000 (3)
Principles of Macroeconomics 50 ECO 2013 (3)
Principles of Microeconomics 50 ECO 2023 (3)
Western Civilization I 50 EUH 1000 * (3)
Western Civilization II 50 EUH 1001 *(3)
Biology 50 BSC 1005 (3) no lab credit
Calculus 50 MAC 2233 (4)
Chemistry, General 50 CHM 2025 (3)
Algebra, College 50 MAC 1105 (3)
College Algerbra, Trigonometry 50 MAC 1147 (5)
Mathematics, College 50 MGF 1106 (3) or MGF 1107 (3)
Precalculus 50 MAC 1140 (3)
Trigonometry 50 MAC 1114 (3)

International Baccalaureate (IB) Program

Florida SouthWestern State College accepts the International Baccalaureate (IB) offered by the International Baccalaureate Organization to provide greater flexibility and opportunity for high school students to proceed with their education. Students must submit to the Office of the Registrar an official transcript from the International Baccalaureate Organization for scores to be considered. Florida SouthWestern State College awards college credit for IB examination scores based on standards recommended by the Florida Department of Education and the Articulation Coordinating Committee. Acceptance of IB tests and scores is subject to change without notice. IB credit is not granted if the student has already earned credit for the course.

Students who receive the IB Diploma are granted college credit for scores of four or higher on both higher level and standard level examinations as listed below.

Courses in bold are non-institutional course numbers that are state-mandated for use in awarding credit to those students meeting the criteria.

IB Examination Score of 4 Course Score of 5 - 7 Course
Biology BSC 1005C BSC 1005C, BSC 1010/1010L
Business and Management GEB 1011 GEB 1011, MAN 2021
Chemistry CHM 1020C CHM 1020C, CHM 2045/2045L
Computer Science CGS 1100 CGS 1100, COP 1000
Design Technology ETD 1320 ETD 1320, ETD 1102
Economics ECO 1000 ECO 2013, 2023
Ecosystems & Societies EVR 1017 EVR 1017, Science Elective
English A1 ENC 1101 ENC 1101, 1102
English LAnguage A: Literature LIT 2000 LIT 2000 and ENC 1141
Environmental Studies ISC 1050 ISC 1050, Science Elective
Film Studies FIL 2001 FIL 2001, FIL 2002
French FRE 1121 FRE 1121, 2220
Geography GEA 2000 GEO 2200, 2400
German GER 1121 GER 1121, 2220
History WOH 1030 WOH 1030, History Elect.
Italian FOR 1001 FOR 1001, 1002
Latin FOR 1001 FOR 1001, 1002
Marine Science OCB 1000C or OCB 2010/2010L OCB 1000C and OCB 2010/2010L
Math Methods MAC 1105 MAC 1105, 1140
Math Studies MAT 1033 MAT 1033, MGF 1106
Mathematics MAC 1147 MAC 1147, 2233
Music MUL 1010 MUL 1010, MUT 1001
Philosophy PHI 2010 PHI 2010, PHI Elective
Physics PHY 1020C PHY 1020C, PHY 2053/2053L
Psychology PSY 2012 PSY 2012, PSY Elective
Social Anthropology ANT 1410 ANT 1410, 1511
Spanish SPN 1121 SPN 1121, 2220
Theater Arts THE 1000 THE 1000, THE Elective
Visual Arts ART 1012 ART 1012 and ART Elective (2)

Cambridge Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE)

The AICE program is an international, advanced secondary curriculum and assessment program equivalent to the British system of “A-Levels.” Florida SouthWestern State College follows the recommendations of the Articulation Coordinating Committee. Courses in bold are non-institutional course numbers that are state-mandated for use in awarding credit to those students meeting the criteria. Grades are not based on the American “A” - “F” grading scale.

Exam Level Passing Score of “A”, “B”, “C”, “D”, “E”
Accounting AS ACG 1001 (minimum 3 credits)
Accounting A ACG 1001 and ACG elective (minimum 6 credits)
Applied ICT - Info/Comm/Tech AS CGS 1100
Applied ICT - Info/Comm/Tech A CGS 1100 and Elective Credit (Institution discretion)
Art and Design AS Elective (minimum 3 credits)
Art and Design A Elective (minimum 6 credits)
Biology AS BSC 1005/1005L (minimum 4 credits)
Biology A BSC 1010/1010L (minimum 7 credits)
Business Studies AS GEB 1011 (minimum 3 credits)
Business Studies A GEB 1011 and GEB elective (minimum 6 credits)
Chemistry AS CHM 2025/1025L (minimum 4 credits)
Chemistry A CHM 2025/2025L and CHM 2045/2045L (minimum 8 credits)
Classical Studies AS CLA 1010 (minimum 3 credits)
Computing AS CGS 1073 (minimum 3 credits)
Computing A CGS 1073 and CGS 1074 (minimum 6 credits)
Design and Technology AS ETI X482C (minimum 3 credits)
Design and Technology A ETI X482C and Engineering Tech elective (minimum 6 credits)
Economics AS ECO 1000 (minimum 3 credits)
Economics A ECO 2013 and ECO 2023
English - English Language or Language & Literature AS ENC 1101 (minimum 3 credits)
English A ENC 1102 and ENC 1102 or LIT 1001 (minimum 6 credits)
English - Literature in English AS ENC 1101 or ENC 1102 (minimum 3 credits)
English - Literature in English A ENC 1101 and ENC 1102 or LIT 1001 (minimum 6 credits)
Environmental Management AS EVR 1001 (minimum 3 credits)
French Language AS FRE 2220 (minimum 3 credits)
French Literature AS Foreign Language elective (minimum 3 credits)
French A FRE 2220, FRE 2221
Further Mathematics A MAC 2311 and MAC 2312 or STA 2023 (minimum 6 credits)
General Paper AS IDS 2110 (minimum 3 credits)
Geography AS GEA 2000 (minimum 3 credits)
Geography A GEA 2200 and GEA 2400 (minimum 6 credits)
German Language AS Intermediate foreign language (minimum 4 credits)
German Language A Intermediate foreign language (minimum 8 credits)
Global Perspectives AS ISS 1011 (3 credits)
Global Perspectives A or Pre-U ISS 1011 and ISS 1012 (6 credits)
History - The History of the USA, c 1840-1968   AMH 2042 (minimum 3 credits)
History - Modern European History, 1789-1939   EUH 1002 (minimum 3 credits)
History - International History, 1945-1991   HIS 2206 (minimum 3 credits)
Latin AS FOR 2001 (minimum 3 credits)
Marine Science AS OCE 1001 (minimum 3 credits)
Marine Science A OCE 1001 and OCB 1000 (minimum 6 credits)
Mathematics AS MAC 1147 (minimum 4 credits)
Mathematics A MAC 2311 and math elective (minimum 6 credits)
Media Studies AS DIG 1000 (minimum 3 credits)
Media Studies A DIG 1000 and DIG 1001 (minimum 6 credits)
Music AS MUH 1001 (minimum 3 credits)
Music A MUH 1001 and MUH 1011 (minimum 6 credits)
Physics AS PHY 1020C (minimum 3 credits)
Physics A PHY 2053/2053L and PHY 2054/2054L (minimum 8 credits )
Psychology AS PSY 2012 (minimum 3 credits)
Psychology A PSY 2012 and Psych elective (minimum 6 credits)
Sociology AS SYG 1000 (minimum 3 credits)
Sociology A SYG 1000 (minimum 3 credits)
Spanish Language AS SPN 2220 (minimum 3 credits)
Spanish Language A SPN 2220, SPN 2221 (minimum 6 credits)
Spanish Literature AS FOR 2001 (minimum 3 credits)
Thinking Skills AS PHI 2103 or PHI 1401 (minimum 3 credits)
Thinking Skills A PHI 2103 or PHI 1401 and PHI elective (minimum 6 credits)
Travel and Tourism AS HFT 1000 (minimum 3 credits)
Travel and Tourism A HFT 1000 and HFT elective (minimum 6 credits)

Career Pathways and Articulation

Lee, Charlotte, Collier, Hendry, and Glades District Schools and Florida SouthWestern State College are partners in the Career Pathways philosophy which offers students the opportunity to focus on technical high school electives that will help train them for high-skill, high-wage occupations. While in high school preparing for careers and post-secondary education, students can begin to earn Florida SouthWestern State College credits. FSW provides the opportunity for technical program students to earn college credits that may be applied toward an Associate in Science degree.

Excelsior College (EC)

Florida SouthWestern State College follows the guidelines in Florida State Board Rule 6A-10.024 for awarding EC credits. More detailed information about Excelsior College Examinations, including detailed test descriptions, can be found on-line at www.excelsior.edu. EC credit granted by FSW may be transferable to participating Florida institutions of higher education. It is the responsibility of the student to contact the institution to which he/she expects to transfer to determine the acceptability of this credit. Courses in bold are non-institutional course numbers that are state-mandated for use in awarding credit to those students meeting the criteria.

Examination Passing Score FSW Course (3 credits per exam)
Abnormal Psychology C CLP 1140
Earth Science C GLY 1000
English Composition C ENC 1101 or ENC 1102
Ethics: Theory and Practice C PHI 2630
Foundations of Gerontology C GEY 1000
Human Resources Management C MAN 2300
Introduction to Music C MUH 1011
Labor Relations C MAN 2400
Life Span Developmental Psychology C DEP 2004
Managerial Accounting C ACG 2071
Microbiology C MCB 2000 (lecture only)
Principles of Marketing C MAR 2011
Psychology of Adulthood and Aging C PSY 1402
Workplace Communication with Computers C OST 1335
World Conflicts since 1900 C WOH 1040

UEXCEL Credit-by Examination program is developed jointly by Excelsior College and Pearson. Florida SouthWestern State College follows the recommendations of the Articulation Coordinating Committee.

Exam Passing Score FSW course (3 credits per exam unless otherwise noted)
Calculus C MAC 2311 (4 credits)
College Writing C ENC 1101
Spanish Language C SPN 1120 (4 credits)

Honors Scholar Program

Florida SouthWestern State College offers qualified students with high ability and motivation an enriched, challenging program of study through the Honors Scholar Program (HSP). Participation in this superior educational experience provides for intellectual and social development, builds character, and promotes enthusiasm for lifelong learning. Honors courses are not intended to be appreciably more work than traditional classes, but instead offer innovative approaches to learning that focus on the individual student. Honors classes may, depending on the course, involve problem solving, student projects, or a student seminar approach to learning. Synergy results when the best and brightest are assembled together to inspire each other to think in unique, novel ways. Faculty are selected for their expertise and interest in helping students.

Benefits of the Program

Active discussions
Small class sizes
Independent and critical thinking
Field trips
Independent research or creative project option

Florida SouthWestern State College Honors Scholars are desirable recruits to other institutions of higher learning and often receive special attention for scholarships and awards. Completion of the Honors Scholar Program is recorded on the students’ transcripts.

Applying to the Honors Program

  • Incoming Freshmen must have a 3.5 unweighted GPA and submit one letter of recommendation from a teacher
  • College students must have a 3.2 GPA and should not have completed over 30 hours of coursework when they apply. They must submit two letters of recommendation from professors.
  • Students must fill out the FSW online scholarship application and write an essay. The online application will provide you with a link to the essay topics.
  • Students must submit a FAFSA including the FSW school code: 001477.
  • Students must complete a Florida Residency Affidavit (if applicable).

Applying for Affiliate Membership

Students who do not meet the requirements for Full Membership but who are still academically talented in specific discipline(s) may still be able to take specific Honors classes as an Honors Affiliate.  This student is a major or related major in the discipline, shows exceptional talent in the discipline, and would benefit from the greater engagement with subject matter offered by the Honors Scholar Program.

  • Student has a minimum 2.5 GPA on College degree coursework.
  • Student has a minimum 3.0 GPA on discipline-related coursework.
  • Student must complete an Affiliate Application and submit it to the Honors Scholar Program Coordinator.
  • Affiliate members must earn an A or B+ in their Honors class(es) to be eligible to enroll in future Honors classes.
  • Affiliate members are not awarded Honors Program Scholarships.

Program Requirements

A minimum of 15 credit hours of Honors classes (earning at least a grade of “B” in each course) will complete the academic requirements to graduate from the Honors Scholar Program. These classes must be chosen from at least two of three academic areas: basic sciences/math, social sciences, or humanities/communications. One of these classes can be the Honors Scholar Thesis Project (3 credits).

To graduate with High Honors students must earn 100 Honors Participation points in addition to completing 15 hours of Honors courses with a 3.0 in each course. See the Portfolio Checklist for details.

Honors Scholarships

Florida SouthWestern State College is eager to assist the highly motivated and achieving students who participate in the Honors Scholar Program through the Academic Excellence Scholarship. These scholarships are renewable each semester if certain criteria are met. More information regarding these scholarships can be obtained by contacting the Admissions office directly.

Honors Scholar Thesis Project

Honors Scholar Thesis Project courses are designed to allow a student to pursue topics within a specific discipline or program under the guidance of a qualified professor. The experience provides an opportunity for the student to explore in depth an area of particular interest. An Honors Scholar Thesis Project course may not duplicate any existing course in the Catalog. The course is designed by a professor to fit the needs of an individual student.

The course syllabus must be designed by the Professor, with input as to areas of interest from the student. It must represent college-level work and be sufficiently complex and demanding to warrant the credits awarded.

To begin the Honors Scholar Thesis Project registration process, students must complete the Undergraduate Research Application. This Application is available online at the Honors Scholar Program website http://www.fsw.edu/honors. Once this form is properly documented, submitted, and approved by the Honors Scholar Program Coordinator, the student may register for the course.

The regular college grading system applies to Honors Scholar Thesis Project students. Honors Scholar Thesis Project classes may not be taken to satisfy general education requirements.