Associate in Arts Degree General Education Program Guide
General Education Philosophy:
General Education is a program of study that establishes a foundation for lifelong learning and prepares students to be thoughtful, informed, global citizens. This program fosters academic excellence, interdisciplinary dialog, respect for self and others, and social responsibility.
General Education Core Courses:
General Education Core courses differ from traditional survey courses by integrating a breadth of knowledge and skills essential to a complete education and are the foundation of knowledge upon which all degrees are built.
General Education Competencies:
General Education courses must meet at least four out of the five following outcomes. All other courses will meet one or more of these outcomes:
- Communication (COM): To communicate effectively using standard English (written or oral).
- Critical Thinking (CT): To demonstrate skills necessary for analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.
- Technology/Information Management (TIM): To demonstrate the skills and use the technology necessary to collect, verify, document, and organize information from a variety of sources.
- Global Socio-cultural Responsibility (GSR): To identify, describe, and apply responsibilities, core civic beliefs, and values present in a diverse society.
- Scientific and Quantitative Reasoning (QR): To identify and apply mathematical and scientific principles and methods.
Associate in Arts students must follow the General Education guide below in planning required courses. This guide complies with Southern Association of Colleges and Schools’ (SACS) Core Requirement 2.7.3 which requires course distribution in humanities/fine arts, social/behavioral sciences, natural sciences/mathematics; Florida Statute 1007.25(3) which requires the core curriculum to include subject areas of communication, mathematics, social sciences, humanities, and natural sciences; Rules of the Florida State Board of Education, which requires six credits of mathematics and twelve credits (four courses) in which writing is heavily emphasized. Additionally, the mathematics and writing courses must be passed with a “C” or better.
An Associate in Arts degree shall require no more than 60 semester hours of college credit, including 36 semester hours of General Education coursework. Except for college-preparatory coursework required pursuant to Section 1008.30, Florida Statutes, all required coursework shall count toward the Associate in Arts degree or the baccalaureate degree. General Education Core Requirements: 36 Credit Hours
Communications: 9 Credit Hours
Humanities: 6 Credit Hours
(Select two courses - one from Part A and one from Part B, or two from Part A.) Note(s):
*Students must demonstrate competence in written communication by passing any of these courses with a “C” or better. Courses listed in Part A are designated writing intensive courses. Social Sciences: 9 Credit Hours
(Select three courses. Students must complete a minimum of one course from Part A.) Note(s):
*Students must demonstrate competence in written communication by passing any of these courses with a “C” or better. Courses listed in Part A are designated writing intensive courses. Mathematics: 6 Credit Hours
Mathematics courses used to satisfy the General Education mathematics requirement must be passed with a grade of “C” or higher. Pursuant to Rule 6A-10.030 (Gordon Rule), the student must successfully complete six (6) semester hours of mathematics coursework. General Education Math Requirements
These advanced mathematics courses may also be used to meet the AA mathematics requirements:
Natural Sciences: 6 Credit Hours
A student must complete six (6) hours of science, including an associated laboratory, in order to fulfill the Natural Sciences requirement. A “C” designation after the course number indicates that the lab is “combined” with the class. Note: A better foundation in science is provided by taking related science courses in sequential semesters. Note(s):
*These courses are sequential, or require another science or math course as a corequisite or prerequisite. Electives: 24 Credit Hours
Students are encouraged to select elective courses that complement their major or program area of interest. Additional courses in all General Education content areas (such as communications, humanities, social behavioral sciences, mathematics and natural sciences) can fulfill general elective hours. Additionally, students can select courses in disciplines such as accounting, business, computers and technology, criminal justice, early childhood, education, law and public service, marketing and management. Consult the Course Descriptions section of the Catalog for additional course information. Students are encouraged to see an academic advisor to review program prerequisites and to review common course prerequisites for baccalaureate program areas (also available through Writing Intensive Courses:
The following courses satisfy the writing requirement of 4,000 words each. Each student must successfully take four courses: Note(s):
For an AA degree, writing intensive courses must be completed with a grade of “C” or higher. World Civilization courses which are designated as writing intensive (designated as “W” in the Schedule of Classes) satisfy the writing requirement. College Level Academic Skills (CLAS):
All Associate in Arts and baccalaureate degree-seeking students need to satisfy the requirement of College-Level Academic Skills (CLAS) requirements. For further information, see ” Student Services – CLAS .” Foreign Language:
Students seeking admission to the Florida State University System should have completed two years of the same foreign language at the high school level or two courses (six to eight credit hours) at the college level. Foreign language is a State University System and Edison State College baccalaureate-level graduation requirement. “International or Diversity Focus” Courses:
Florida State Universities may require students to take courses that have an international or diversity focus. These are designated with an “I” after the course descriptions. Associate in Arts Program Total Credit Hours: 60
Previously Earned Degrees:
Previously Earned Associate in Arts (AA) Degrees - Students who have previously earned an Associate in Arts degree from a Florida college or State University are considered to have met the General Education Core Requirements of an Edison State College baccalaureate degree.
- Students who have previously earned an Associate in Arts degree from a college or university outside the State of Florida will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis to review the 36 hour General Education Core Requirements. Students must have earned equivalent credit hours in each General Education category (i.e., 6 hours of Humanities, 9 hours of Social Sciences, etc.). Students with a minimum of 36 hours of General Education Core courses are considered to have met the General Education Core Requirements of Edison State College.
Previously Earned Baccalaureate Degrees - Students who have earned a previous baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited institution are considered to have met the General Education Core Requirements of an Edison State College baccalaureate degree.
Additional Options for Pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree:
The following tips for transfer students are found on the FACTS website: - Students should meet with their academic advisor to discuss degree requirements and transfer options.
- When applying for admission to a state university, transfer students who have not yet completed the AA degree will be evaluated on their high school transcripts as well as their college coursework. Transfer students without an AA degree and less than 60 hours must compete with all entering freshman applicants to the college or university.
- It is strongly recommended that a student complete the AA degree prior to transferring. If this is not possible, students are encouraged to at least complete the 36 hour General Education block at their initial institution.
- Students who have entered a community college with a “CPT-eligible” certificate of completion must complete the AA degree before transferring to a 4-year institution.
- Students should check with the transfer services office at the college or university to which they are transferring to obtain information relating to transfer policies, financial aid opportunities, and other available assistance.
- Students wishing to receive accommodations for a disability have a responsibility to inform the disability services center at the 4-year institution. A student with a disability may be eligible for a special admission review under Section 1007.265, Florida Statutes. A special admission review may apply if documentation can be provided that failure to meet an admission requirement is related to the disability and failure does not constitute a fundamental alteration in the nature of the program. Contact the admissions director for more information.
- Please note: several AS degrees transfer to discipline-related BAS or BS degrees within the State University system. Please see a program advisor for more information.