Feb 06, 2025
MAE 4330C - Teaching Methods in Secondary School Mathematics with Practicum 4 credits Prerequisites: Admission into the Bachelor of Science in Education program or special permission from the Dean of the School of Education; ENC 1101 , ENC 1102 , 3 credits of college level mathematics, EDM 3230 , EDG 3410 , EDG 4004 -all with a grade of “C” or higher Required: This course requires 35 hours of practicum in a 6-12 classroom setting over a minimum of ten weeks. This course is required for teacher candidates who are majoring in Mathematics Education. It is designed to prepare the teacher candidate for a successful internship experience by bridging the perceived gap between theory and practice. This course addresses the required instructional methods, techniques, strategies, resources and assessment considerations for effective teaching of secondary mathematics including pedagogy of early algebra, geometry, trigonometry and calculus through the use of problem solving, cooperative learning and appropriate technology.
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