Feb 15, 2025  
2013-2014 Catalog 
2013-2014 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Financial Aid

Tuition and Fees

Since the Catalog must be published well in advance of the beginning of each school year, it is not always possible to anticipate fee changes. If the tuition and fees printed here have to be revised, every effort will be made to publicize the changes as far in advance as possible.

The most current tuition and fees are available at any Cashier Office or on the College Web site: www.edison.edu.

The College accepts cash, check, money order, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, or debit cards. Payment may be made in person at any campus Cashier Office or online through the College’s Web registration system. The College also offers a Tuition Installment Plan (TIP). TIP is available online at my.edison.edu and may only be accessed after a student has registered for courses. The College reserves the right to drop a class, or classes, from a student’s registration if fees are not paid in full by the payment due date. All fees are payable by the date shown on the student’s fee receipt unless enrolled in TIP.

Students who withdraw from classes and received financial aid may have to repay all or part of their financial aid award. Students who receive financial aid should check with the Office of Student Financial Aid  prior to withdrawing from any classes.

Student financial responsibilities include library fines, book replacement costs, parking and traffic fines, returned checks, short-term loans, veteran deferments, employer or other third-party delinquent payments, and return of borrowed equipment. Official transcripts of the student’s record will not be made unless all college-related financial responsibilities have been satisfied.

How to Apply for Financial Aid

The Office of Student Financial Aid provides financial assistance to qualified students to attend Edison State College using the programs administered by the College. Students who apply for financial aid and demonstrate need will be offered a financial aid package detailed in an award letter, made up of one or more of the four basic sources of financial aid: loans, grants, student employment, and scholarships. Application for student financial assistance is made by filing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) each year at www.fafsa.ed.gov. Informational brochures and materials are available at all Office of Student Financial Aids at Edison State College and at www.edison.edu. Students may log in to the myEdison State Portal at www.edison.edu and click on the Student Services tab for information on their financial aid status.

Fee Payment Information

  1. Checks should be made payable to Edison State College for the amount of fees. Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express credit cards are also accepted at Cashier Office or through the Web registration system at www.Edison.edu.  Payment by check can also be made over the Web.
  2. Veterans who are eligible to receive monthly educational benefits should be prepared to meet ALL expenses since the first checks are often delayed until after a semester is in session.
  3. The College reserves the right to withhold students from classes, final examinations, and graduation unless fees are paid in full. No grades, degrees, statements of honorable dismissal, or transcript of credits will be issued until satisfactory settlement of college fees and other financial obligations have been met. This includes loans to students.
  4. The cost of books and supplies varies with the program of each student.
  5. The College reserves the right to change its fees at any time without notice.
Application Fee
   There is a non-refundable fee to apply to Edison State College:
      U.S. Citizen $20.00
      Non-U.S. Citizen $50.00
Application Fees for Limited-access Programs
      Cardiovascular Technology $15.00
      Health Information Management $15.00
      Dental Hygiene $15.00
      EMS/Paramedic $15.00
      Nursing $15.00
      Radiologic Technology $15.00
      Respiratory Care $15.00
      Fire Science $325.00
Tuition Florida Resident
Per Credit Hour
Per Credit Hour
      (Including Audit)    
      AA and AS Programs $104.48 $388.52
      Baccalaureate Degree $115.64 $637.00
      Multiple Attempt Charge $219.16 $219.16
           Bachelors Multiple Attempt Charge $406.12 $406.12
           Postsecondary Adult Multiple Attempt $194.67 $194.67
      Vocational Programs $  82.42


      Continuing Workforce    
          Education Programs $108.00 $108.00

Recreation and Leisure, Seminars, Conferences and Other Self-supporting Programs

Fees will be determined for each activity and will be listed in the individual activity announcement.

Nursing Comprehensive Testing Package:

      Nursing Testing Fees:  
         Nursing Comprehensive Testing Package $370.00
         Basic Students Per Semester $85.00
      Advanced Placement Students:  
         First Semester $170.00
         Last Two Semesters $85.00
         A&P Challenge Tests $20.00
      Nursing Mobility Challenge Test $65.00
         Nursing HESI Test $60.00
Insurance Fees
   Below is a list of annual insurance fees that are charged to students enrolled in health technology programs that require clinic liability insurance.  
      Cardiovascular Technology $35.00
      Dental Hygiene $35.00
      EMT-Basic Certificate Program $35.00
      Nursing $35.00
      Paramedic Certificate Program $35.00
      Radiologic Technology $35.00
      Respiratory Care $35.00
Other Fees and Charges
      Students are charged a College access/ID fee each term.
         Student Access/ID Fee (New)                                                                                                                         $25.00
         Student Access/ID Fee (Replacement)                                                                                                            $15.00
      Convenience Fee                                                                                                                                                $  6.00
      Tuition Installment Plan Processing Fee (non-refundable)   $  5.00
      Dental Clinic Fee (Pediatric Visitor) $25.00
      Dental Clinic Fee (Adult Visitor) $40.00
      Dental Clinic Fee (Adult Visitor) Follow-up visit $10.00
      Late Registration/Payment Fee $75.00
      Lost Library Materials (per item) $42.00
      Parking Fee (per credit hour) $ 2.00
      Parking Fine $15.00
      Parking Fine: Handicapped Space $50.00
      Short-term Loan Application Fee (non-refundable) $20.00
      Distance Learning Fee (per credit hour) $20.00
      e-Studio Course Fee $20.00
      HigherOne Replacement Card $20.00
      Graduation Processing Fee $20.00
      Transcript Request (each) $5.00
Test Administration Fees  
      CLEP $25.00
      PERT (Other Institutions) $25.00
      PERT (Placement Evaluation Fee) $10.00
      Test Proctoring (Other Florida Colleges and Universities) $40.00
      SSI (Strong Interest Inventory Test) $12.00

Types of Financial Aid

A variety of financial resources are available for those who need assistance to attend college. Assistance is awarded to degree seeking students enrolled for six (6) or more credit hours in Fall and Spring semesters on the basis of financial need, scholastic achievement, and character.  FAFSA applications for assistance received on or before May 1, will be considered for all types of assistance (grants, work, scholarships, and loans). FAFSA applications for assistance received after May 1, will be considered only for the types of assistance available at that time.  Limited funds are available to qualified students for the Summer semester.  In order to remain eligible for scholarships, work-study, loans and grants, a student must successfully meet the requirements of the Standards of Academic Progress (SOAP) for financial aid recipients (see Academic Policies and Procedures Relating to Students ).


Edison State College Short-Term Loan Fund: The College makes short-term loans available to students who need temporary assistance paying their tuition when their financial aid eligibility is pending. Applications are available at the Financial Aid Offices. A small service fee will be charged and the loan balance is due on a set date, prior to the end of the term.

Federal Direct Loans: Long-term loans are available through the federal government’s Direct Loan Program. Students must complete an annual FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) form and a loan counseling entrance interview at the College. Eligibility and certification for loans are determined by the Office of Student Financial Aid.


All students must complete an annual FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) at www.fafsa.ed.gov to establish qualification for federal and state grants. Final eligibility for all grants is determined by the Office of Student Financial Aid.

Federal Pell Grant: The federal government provides Pell grants to students with demonstrated financial need. Students may be eligible for a Pell Grant if they are enrolled less than half-time. Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant (FSEOG): FSEOG funds are provided by the federal government to assist students with high financial need. Students need to be enrolled at least half-time to be considered for this grant.

Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG): This grant program is federally funded for Pell Grant recipients that meet academic criteria. First year students are awarded $750 and second year students are awarded $1300.

Florida Student Assistance Grant (FSAG): These grants are awarded to Florida residents who are fulltime students with financial need. Funds for part-time students may be available on a limited basis.

Federal Work-Study Program

Students enrolled for six (6) or more hours toward a degree program and who meet federal requirements for financial need and are capable of maintaining adequate grade point averages may be employed in part-time jobs to help meet expenses. Jobs are available on campus. Off-campus employment opportunities for community service are also available. The College is an equal opportunity employer.


Edison State College Foundation, Inc.

The mission of the Edison State College Foundation, Inc. is to enhance Edison State College’s programs and services through positive community relations and the development of private funds and partnerships that will advance the education and welfare of the institution, its students, its faculty and staff, and the community it serves.

The Edison State College Foundation, Inc. is a direct support organization of Edison State College authorized through the Florida Statute 1004.70 Community college direct-support organizations. The not-for-profit, IRS approved 501 (c)(3) corporation was chartered in 1966 to receive, hold, invest and administer property and to make expenditures to, or for the benefit of, Edison State College.

Institutional Scholarships

Edison State College offers a variety of institutional scholarships to students based on academic status and/or financial need. Students may apply through the appropriate program or by filling out the online scholarship application.

Florida Bright Futures Scholarship awards are determined by the Florida Department of Education and may be used for tuition expenses at Edison State.  Funds will be disbursed to students as soon as they are available from the Florida Department of Education.

Scholarship Search Information

Some of the best sources of scholarship information are available through free search services on the Internet at www.fastweb.com.

Internet access is available at all Learning Resource Centers.

Edison State College Scholarship Programs

Program Activity Scholarships Eligibility Information Application Information
Activity Scholarships
Varying Amounts
Students who participate or show potential in the areas of art, music, or student government. The award is renewable with satisfactory academic progress. File the FAFSA. Art students must also submit a portfolio to the department chairperson. Music and drama students must audition for the appropriate department chairperson. Students in student government must be recommended by the appropriate Edison State advisor.
Honors Scholarships
Full-time Students $2000
Part-time Students $1000
Participants in the Honors Scholar Program. The award is renewable with continued participation in the Honors Scholar Program. Apply for admission to the Honors Scholar Program. Contact the Honors Scholar Program Coordinator at (239) 489-9102.
Plummer Memorial Scholarships
Amount determined each year
Outstanding second-year students from each academic division at the Lee, Charlotte and Collier campuses. Recipients will be recommended by the academic department at the end of the academic year.
Project HOPE Scholarships
Full Tuition and Books
(max. 30 credits per year)
Recent high school graduates who are at risk and might not be able to attend college otherwise. Priority is given to students who were awarded Project HOPE in Middle School. Applications are available in February from the College or area high school counselors. Recipients must participate in the HOPE Scholars Club. Complete the FAFSA and Project HOPE Scholarship Application. Awards are made in May for the next academic year.
Child Care Scholarships
Students who have dependents and need financial assistance for child care to attend the College. Scholarship amounts are determined by the need of the student and availability of funds. File the FAFSA. Submit the Scholarship application form.
Student Support Services Scholarships
Varying Amounts
Students who participate in the Student Support Services program and have financial need may be eligible for scholarship assistance through that program. Contact that Office at (239) 489-9112. File the FAFSA and apply for participation in the Student Support Services programs.

Endowed Scholarships

Students who have been awarded scholarships from a private organization may have those funds administered by the College’s Office of Student Financial Aid. The application forms for all endowed scholarships are available on the Edison State College Foundation Web site: www.edison.edu/foundation. Criteria for the scholarship programs will vary, but leadership, school and community involvement, special recognition, skills, talent, financial need, or field of study may be considered. Certain scholarships may require the student to submit letters of recommendation or additional personal statements. All students must complete and submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to be eligible to receive institutional scholarship funds.

Endowed scholarships are provided through the Edison State College Foundation, Inc. Tuition and book scholarships are awarded to hundreds of students each year from endowments established by community residents. The following scholarships are currently offered:

AAUW Scholarship
Rossie Evans Alderman Nursing Scholarship
Greg Allen Scholarship
Tiffany Bachman Scholarship
Bank of America Honors Scholarship
Sarah Barden Scholarship
Ellsworth W. and Helen Beckes Nursing Scholarship
Beryl Berry Nursing Scholarship
Andrew Ryan Bess Memorial Scholarship
The Bireley Family Foundation Scholarship
Joseph S. Borek Scholarship
Robert and Juliette Brand Scholarship
Edith Brooks Scholarship
Marie L. Bruel Scholarship
Marion D. Burgess Nursing Scholarship
Dr. Fred and Berniece H. Cain Nursing Scholarship
Mary Gray Cain Scholarship
Ruth M & Cleveland L. Campbell Project Hope Scholarship
Darryl and Carol Casanueva Scholarship
Charlotte Community Foundation Scholarship
Charlotte County General Scholarship
Charlotte Pops @ Sunset Scholarship
Charlotte Regional Nursing Education Scholarship
Charlotte Sun Hurricane Charley Relief Fund
Dora Christiansen Scholarship
Charles A. & Roberta Church Nursing Scholarship
Isadora Claville Scholarship
Lillian Clukies Scholarship
Seth Cohen Scholarship
Collier County General Scholarship
William Barney “Bill” Corbin Scholarship
Benjamin Counselman Scholarship
Margaret R. Cran Scholarship
Isabella Curtis Scholarship
Sidney R. Davis Scholarship
Deep Creek Lions Club Scholarship
Edith Duffey Scholarship
Evelyn Egan Scholarship
EMT General Scholarship
Raynold G. Engstrand Scholarship
Estate Planning Council of SW Florida Second Chance Scholarship
Joann Evans Nursing Scholarship
John Evans Memorial Scholarship
Anna Failing Scholarship
Fawcett Memorial Medical Staff Scholarship
John C. and Kossie G. Ferguson Scholarship
Florida Police Foundation Scholarship
Florida Veterans 40/8 Voiture 795 Nursing Scholarship
Fort Myers Rod & Gun Club Scholarship
Fort Myers Rotary South Scholarship
Fort Myers Women’s Network Scholarship
Harold and Leah Jane Freshwater Scholarship
William R. Frizzell Scholarship
Gertrude and E.P. Fryar Scholarship
Betty Gardiner Project Hope Scholarship
Leon and Viola Gardner Scholarship
Ann K. Gateff Scholarship
General Nursing Scholarship
D. Geraci Scholarship
Mary Gerrish Scholarship
Dr. Leland and Eileen Glenn Nursing Scholarship
Joseph H. and Julia M. Goodwin Scholarship
Travis A. Gresham, Jr. Scholarship
Jennifer Griffin Nursing Scholarship
Michael Grifftih, Valerie Griffith-Holmes, Jack Holmes Scholarship
Pat Hammond Memorial Scholarship
Lalai Hamric Scholarship
Gordon and Virginia Harbuck Honors Scholarship
Dorothy Harris Project Hope Scholarship
Laura E. Hedgecock Scholarship
Helphenstine Family Scholarship
Capt. Francis Asbury Hendry Scholarship
Fannie Koontz Henry Scholarship
Ruth Henry Scholarship
Col. June E Henry Scholarship
Fred Henry Scholarship
Dennis Hill Music Scholarship
Richard Orrin Hilliker, III Memorial Nursing Scholarship
Nancy A. Jerz Scholarship in Public Service
Johnson Engineering Scholarship
Kazen Ques Scholarship
Kiwanis Club Fort Myers South Scholarship
Kiwanis Club of Lehigh Acres Scholarship
Peter D. and Eleanore A. Kleist Scholarship
Anna Kontinos Scholarship
Rose Kosches Scholarship
Jeff and Cyndie Kottkamp Scholarship
Dr. Stephen and Becky Kwedar Nursing Scholarship
Dr. Michael Kyle Radiology Technology Scholarship
Susan Crane Kyle Nursing Scholarship
Scott J. Labuzienski Memorial Scholarship
Gertrud Bunzel-Lamberger Scholarship
Lee County 100 Club Scholarship
Lee County General Scholarship
Lehigh Community Health Association Nursing Scholarship
Beryl Lenoch Scholarship
Joseph Leto Nursing Scholarship
Lockmiller Common Sense Scholarship
Gordon A. Lozier Scholarship
Sharon MacDonald Nursing Scholarship
Catherine H. Maeder Scholarship
Salley Poppen Marasco Scholarship
Laurel Dawn McNew Scholarship
McQueen Family Scholarship
Lillian A. Medhurst Nursing Scholarship
Guy R. Miller Scholarship
Mina Edison Society Scholarship
Minnesota Twins Scholarship
James Moore Scholarship
Eleanor Morgan Music Scholarship
Marie Morrison Nursing Scholarship
Joseph Moskal Nursing Scholarship
Carl and Johanna Muller Scholarship
Music Foundation of SW Florida
Music on Pine Island Scholarship
Helen Nestor Scholarship
Roy & Carolyn Neumann Nursing Scholarship
Cecil Newton Scholarship
James and Eleanor Newton Honors Scholarship
Viola Odenheimer Scholarship
Olson Family Nursing Scholarship
Omni Waste Scholarship
Dr. Charles O’Neill Scholarship
Paralegal Studies Scholarship
Peace River Medical Center Auxiliary Nursing Scholarship
Peace River Medical Staff Scholarship
Vernon Peeples Scholarship
Steven Carl Perry Scholarship
Dr. Alex and Linda Pizarro Nursing Scholarship
Maurice and Jean Plummer Scholarship
Pop and Marj Kelly Scholarship
John and Aliese Price Foundation Scholarship
Project HOPE Scholarship
Martha Jeanne Puletti Swamp Cabbage Festival Scholarship
Josephine and Curtis Queen Scholarship
Carlisle Quenzer Scholarship
Chaplain Eli Richard Scholarship
George F. Riley Scholarship
Mayson Robbins Scholarship
Joyce and Emory Rogaski Nursing Scholarship
Lora and Preston Root Scholarship
Saldukas Family Foundation Scholarship
Holland and Mary Jeanne Salley Scholarship
George and Mary Jo Sanders Honors Scholarship
Sanibel-Captiva Lions Club Scholarship
Alice Saunders Nursing Scholarship
Carol Ann Schneeman Nursing Scholarship
Al and Dorothy Schultz Nursing Scholarship
Scientists Society of SW Florida Scholarship
Ward A. Shaver Scholarship
Mildred Sherrod Scholarship
Susan Price Shrader Scholarship
Rene Sichere Scholarship
Evelyn Rose Silverman Hispanic Honors Scholarship
Osco Simpson, Jr. Nursing Scholarship
Robert Sneckenberger Scholarship
Phyllis Spain Honors Scholarship
Corella P. Stahl Music Scholarship
Suncoast Schools Federal Credit Union Suncoast for Kids Foundation Scholarship
Dudley P. Swartz Scholarship
Sweetbay Supermarket Scholarship
Madeleine R. Taeni Ethics in Business Scholarship
Andrew F. Taylor Scholarship
Claude E. Taylor Scholarship
Andrew W. Thompson Scholarship
Ralph Tilden Music Scholarship
United Christian Giving Scholarship #1
United States Sugar Corporation
Dr. Kenneth P. Walker BAS Public Safety Scholarship
Paula G. Walker Nursing Scholarship
Jack C. Warnock, MD Nursing Scholarship
Rebecca Whan Scholarship
Fred S. and Geraldine Willard Nursing Scholarship
Ray L. Williams Scholarship
J. Howard Wood Music Scholarship
Leo Wotitzky Scholarship
L. Sherrill Yeomans Scholarship
Clarence and Billie Zimmerman Scholarship
Fuzzy Zoeller Scholarship

Policies Governing Financial Aid

Standards of Academic Progress for Financial Aid Recipients

Federal and state regulations require students to meet minimum standards in order to be eligible to receive financial aid funds. The minimum standards at Edison State College are applied uniformly to all financial aid programs administered by the College, except those programs whose eligibility requirements are restricted to institutional funds or outside donor restrictions. Some scholarship programs carry their own academic standards for renewal of eligibility.

  1. Students must meet the academic requirement of at least a 2.0 cumulative GPA.
  2. Students must make progress toward their degree or certificate. Minimum progress toward a degree requires initial year financial aid applicants who have previously attended the College to have earned 67 percent of  attempted credit hours at the College.
  3. Minimum progress toward a degree or certificate requires continuing financial aid recipients to earn 67 percent of credit hours attempted during the current academic year for renewal eligibility.
  4. Students must complete their educational objective within a given time frame:
    1. All AA and AS degree seeking students have a maximum of 90 attempted credit hours. Students in bachelor’s degree programs have a maximum of 180 attempted credits.
    2. All certificate degree seeking students are limited to no more than 150 percent of the published length of the program.

All transfer credits will be included as attempted credit hours as well as all Edison State College attempted coursework regardless of whether the courses are applicable toward the student’s degree program.

Withdrawals from any course(s) will be counted in the total hours attempted and may result in failure to meet the standards of progress. Students must follow the official withdrawal procedures established by the College. Students may owe a refund to the federal program as a result of a withdrawal from a course. Students should contact the Office of Student Financial Aid for information prior to withdrawing from a course.

Funding by federal financial aid programs for remedial coursework is limited to 30 credits.


If a student is denied/suspended from financial aid assistance, the student must attend a semester without financial aid and earn a minimum of six (6) credits with a semester GPA of 2.0 or above. Students will be required to file an appeal after the term without aid is completed for reinstatement of eligibility.

Review of Continued Eligibility

Satisfactory progress is reviewed at the end of the student’s academic year. Notification will be sent to students at the end of the Spring or Summer semester if their eligibility for financial aid has been terminated.


Students may request an appeal by the Office of Student Financial Aid if financial aid funding has been terminated. The student must file a petition form with the Office of Financial Aid. On that form the student must state the circumstances that prevented satisfactory progress to occur and provide documentation of the circumstances. Once the review has been made the student will be notified of the result of the review.

Class Attendance

Financial aid recipients must attend all classes they are registered for to receive a financial aid award. Failure to demonstrate attendance in classes will result in a reduction or cancellation of financial aid funds.

Transfer Student Evaluation

Transfer students applying for financial aid must have at least a 2.0 grade point average after transfer credits are evaluated to be eligible to receive financial aid funding. To qualify for aid in subsequent terms students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher.

All transfer credits will be included as attempted credit hours for standards of academic progress regardless of whether the courses are applicable toward the student’s degree.

Prior Baccalaureate Degree

Students who have completed a baccalaureate or professional degree from an institution, regardless of whether the institution is an unaccredited or foreign school, are not eligible for Pell, FSAG or FSEOG funds. Whether the degree is accepted or recognized by Edison State College does not change the student’s eligibility status.

Student Fees

Student fees are payable by the date shown on the schedule receipt. Financial aid recipients may have their fees covered by approved financial aid funds. The student’s financial aid award process must be finalized to have tuition covered by this process. Financial aid recipients who receive funds that exceed the charges to their student account will receive a refund. The Finance Office will notify students of the refund options through debit or check.

Repayment of Title IV Funds

Recipients of federal financial aid funds that withdraw from classes prior to completion of 60 percent of the term will be required to repay a portion of funds received as defined by federal regulations. The Office of Student Financial Aid distributes specific information with financial aid awards.

Procedure for Cancellation or Withdrawal of Classes for Financial Aid Recipients

Students who withdraw or have a class cancelled after the regular registration period (see College Calendar  for the last date to drop a class with a refund) should consult the Office of Student Financial Aid as they may incur a financial liability. Students who receive an administrative refund for classes will have their financial aid adjusted or cancelled and will be required to pay all funds received that are determined to be owed back to the federal, state, or private donor that provided the funds. All students who withdraw or drop classes are required to do so as directed by the Office of the Registrar. Students are not automatically withdrawn from classes.

Students wishing to change their course registration by adding or dropping a course must follow registration procedures. Financial aid recipients are responsible for completing the change in registration for payment to be made by a financial aid program.

Veterans Education Benefits

The Office of Student Financial Aid, Lee County Campus, serves as the Veterans Affairs Office for Edison State College. Veterans or dependents of a veteran who are eligible for educational benefits should:

  1. Contact the Veterans Specialist well in advance to submit and process eligibility forms with DD-214 or other required documents. 
  2. Apply for admission as a degree seeking student.
  3. Submit the Eligibility Certificate to the Veterans Specialist for certification of enrollment. Submit additional forms if requested for certification to the Veterans Specialist.
  4. Contact the Veterans Affairs Office with a schedule receipt as soon as possible before the beginning of each term to avoid a delay in receiving benefits.
  5. Contact the Veterans Specialist when registering for classes each semester, changing a course schedule or degree program or making a change of address.

National Guard Fee Exemption

Recommended National Guard enlistees may be eligible to receive a fee exemption for a percentage of their tuition costs. Contact the National Guard Education Officer. Eligibility for the exemption must be processed by the Bursar’s Office on the Lee Campus.

Veterans Dependents

Spouses or dependents of deceased (permanent and total service connected) or 100 percent permanent and total service connected veterans should contact the Veterans Affairs Office for the appropriate forms and documents.

Veteran Transfer Students

A transfer student must have a transcript(s) from the previous college(s) forwarded to Edison State College before transferring.  Veterans can attend one term until transcripts are received. The student’s certification for benefits will not be processed by the VA office until the transcript(s) is received and evaluated by Edison State after the first term. Failure to have the certification finalized will delay the veteran’s benefit check.

Approved VA Programs

The student must be working toward an approved degree in order to receive VA benefits. Students should contact the College Counseling or Advising Centers to ensure that the classes they plan to take are required for the degree selected. This will avoid the possibility of overpayment for classes not required for the degree. A student will not be paid for a course repeated to earn a higher grade, unless the student received an “F” in the course, or a “D” when a “C” is required.

Deferment of Tuition

Veterans and other eligible students may receive one deferment each academic year if there is a break (failure to return in a subsequent semester) in the VA benefits. Veteran deferments are processed by the financial aid office on each campus..

Change of Status and Attendance

Veterans who withdraw, drop or add a class should notify the Veterans Affairs Office immediately. Such a change could result in an incorrect payment from the VA. Withdrawals and grades of “W” are retroactive to the beginning of the term, and the VA does not pay for courses in which the student receives a grade of “W.”

Standards of Progress for Veteran Educational Benefit Recipients

Veterans must maintain a “C” (2.0) grade point average to remain in good standing. If the veteran does not have a 2.0 after attempting 12 credit hours, the student will be placed on academic warning. After attempting 24 credit hours, if the veteran still has less than a 2.0 GPA, the veteran’s benefits will be terminated by the VA.