Graduates of the Associate in Science in Nursing (ASN) Program are prepared to become licensed as an entry level Registered Nurse (RN). The nursing curriculum incorporates classroom instruction, laboratory, simulation education, and clinical practice in the care of diverse populations. Local health facilities are utilized for clinical practice, including community agencies, acute care institutions, long-term and ambulatory care facilities. Graduates of the program possess knowledge, values, skills, and compassion; all are essential for professional nursing practice in a dynamic and rapidly changing health care environment.
There are two options available in the ASN program, traditional (day hours Monday-Friday on campus classes) and ANEW (Evening and Weekends, online and on campus blended format). The ANEW schedule is not a part-time Nursing program. It will require full-time commitment but it will be offered on a schedule that will consist of online classroom instruction with labs and clinical rotations offered on an evening (Monday-Friday) and weekend schedule.
Current occupational employment and wage data for Registered Nurses are published by the United States Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics at
The Florida SouthWestern State College Associate in Science in Nursing Program is accredited by the:
Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing, Inc. (ACEN)
3343 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 850
Atlanta, Georgia 30326
Telephone: 404-975-5000
Admission Requirements:
The ASN Program consists of 72 credit hours. These hours include general education (16 credits), program specific courses (14 credits), and Nursing core courses (42 credits). Competitive applicants will have completed most or all of their general education and program specific courses before starting the Nursing core courses.
In Order to apply, Applicants must have successfully completed:
Nursing Core Courses, are completed in a four (4) semester cohort/group sequence. Students who begin the program in the Fall semester can successfully complete the program in 20 months. Students who begin the program in the Spring semester can successfully complete the program in 24 months.
The Traditional and ANEW schedules for the ASN Program will both require discipline and commitment. Nursing education is rigorous and must be top priority from the first semester through graduation to be successful on the NCLEX-RN licensing exam and to become a professional nurse.
LPN Florida Department of Education Gold Standard and Statewide Articulation Agreements:
This Gold Standard Career Pathways Statewide Articulation Agreement guarantees the minimum award of course credits or a block of credit toward the above AAS/AS program is 10 hours of credit. This agreement does not preclude the awarding of additional credits by any college through local agreements. The Licensed Practical Nurse certification, or National Licensed Practical Nurse (NCLEX-PN) certification represents industry acknowledgement of technical skill attainment of competencies in the Nursing (Associate Degree) R.N. program. To be eligible for articulation, the student must show evidence of their current Licensed Practical Nurse certification, or National Licensed Practical Nurse (NCLEX-PN) certification and it must have been issued within three (3) years prior to their enrollment in the program.
FSW LPN Bridge:
In accordance with the Gold Standard and Statewide Articulation Agreement for LPN’s, Florida SouthWestern State College offers LPN’s, meeting the agreement requirements, the option to accept an ASE1000 block of 10 credits. The ASE1000 block consists of Level I AS Degree Nursing Core Courses: NUR 1020 , NUR 1020L , NUR 1025L , and NUR 2095 .
The Application Deadlines are located at
Note: Finalists will be notified within four weeks after application deadlines.
The ASN Program has limited enrollment due to the rigorous clinical education requirements for the program. Acceptance to Florida SouthWestern State College does not imply acceptance into the program. Each applicant must meet specific criteria which are listed in the admission policies. The Criteria for Admission Policies are available through the School of Health Professions Nursing office on each campus. Admission information and applications are located at:
All applicants should consult the Florida Board of Nursing website if they have any criminal offenses limiting RN licensure before applying. Refer to
Phase I: Initial review of applications is based on a calculation of admission points using completed pre-nursing course GPA, TEAS test score, and the total number of general education/program specific courses completed. Pre-admission standardized examination includes the Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS).
Phase II: At the applicant’s expense, a college-approved criminal records check and drug testing must be completed. Note that applicants should consult Florida Board of Nursing if they have any criminal offenses, beyond minor traffic violations, which may limit clinical training placement and obtaining Registered Nurse (RN) licensure.
Phase III: In this phase, all applicant packets will be reviewed.
Phase IV: Selected applicants will receive a letter of acceptance. The letter will include information for accessing the Nursing Program Policy & Procedures Manual and Virtual Orientation. The student must submit an affidavit of acknowledgment, acceptance and compliance of the Nursing Program Policy & Procedure Manual by the first day of classes.
Note for LPN’s: In addition to compliance of contents in Phase IV, selected LPN applicants, accepting the ASE1000 articulation pathway, must satisfactorily complete the LPN Bridge Orientation online by the first day of classes. Access to this orientation will be sent to the applicant with the letter of acceptance.
The following items must be completed before the first day of class:
- Student Health Form
- Immunizations
- Screening for tuberculosis (TB)
- Certification in American Heart Association Basic Life Support for Health-Care Providers
- Proof of personal health insurance throughout enrollment in the program, naming the student and dates of coverage.
Academic Policy and Progression Criteria:
The academic standards in the Nursing program are very rigorous and require full-time commitment.
- A grade of “C” or better must be earned in General Education (16 credits) and Program Specific (14 credits) courses.
- The ASN Program uses the following grading system: (90 - 100 = A, 80 - 89.99 = B, 77 - 79.99 = C, 60 - 76.99 = D, Below 60 = F).
- A grade of “C” or better must be earned in each Nursing/NUR course (42 credits) in order to progress in the program.
- A grade less than “C” in a Nursing/NUR course will require a reattempt.
- A Nursing/NUR course may be repeated or reattempted only once. If a grade of “C” or better is not achieved when the course is repeated or reattempted, dismissal from the program will result.
- If a grade of “C” or better is not achieved or Withdrawal/W grade occurs in two or more Nursing/NUR courses, dismissal from the program will result.
- Dismissal from the Nursing Program will occur if a student is deemed unsafe or unprofessional in clinical practice/patient care.
- The Academic Review Committee (ARC) will evaluate each student who is unsuccessful in a course or has an interruption in their program sequence. An Alternate program plan will be developed by the committee in collaboration with the student
- Attendance and punctuality is mandatory for all classroom, laboratory, and clinical activities. The third and each subsequent classroom absence and/or partial absence will result in a 5-point deduction from the final course grade. Attendance (100%) is required for all simulation and clinical activities.
End of Program Student Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the ASN Program, the graduate will be able to:
- Advocate holistically for diverse patient populations and their families in ways that promote health, self-determination, integrity, and ongoing growth as human beings
- Integrate clinical reasoning, substantiated with evidence, to provide and promote safe and compassionate quality care for patients and families in a community context.
- Distinguish one’s professional identity in ways that reflect integrity, responsibility, legal and ethical practices, and professional growth and development as a nurse.
- Communicate respectfully and effectively with diverse populations and the interdisciplinary healthcare team through collaborative decision making to produce optimal patient outcomes.
- Manage patient care effectively related to time, personnel, informatics and cost to continuously improve the quality and safety of health care systems.