Feb 12, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog 
2024-2025 Catalog

Addiction Services, CCC


The mission of the Social and Human Services Program is to provide the highest quality education to future and current Human Service Professionals by providing a learning environment that supports the development of culturally competent, compassionate, and accountable professionals. Our program prepares graduates who are dedicated to the autonomy, dignity, and diversity of the people they serve.

The Addiction Services College Credit Certificate (CCC) is designed to prepare students for employment as addictions specialists. It also provides an educational foundation for AA students who wish to pursue a higher degree in a related field, or supplemental training for persons previously or currently employed in the field of addictions.

Credits earned in a CCC may be applied toward completion of an associate degree.

Addiction Services Certification Opportunities

The Social and Human Services AS Program is a Florida Certification Board approved provider. Students who complete the Addiction Services, CCC may meet the training requirements for board certification as a Certified Addiction Counselor. Contact the Florida Certification Board at https://flcertificationboard.org/ for more information.

Course Prerequisites

Many courses require prerequisites. Check the description of each course in the list below for prerequisites, minimum grade requirements, and other restrictions.  Students must complete all prerequisites prior to registering for a course.

Graduation Requirements

Students must fulfill all requirements of their program to be eligible for graduation.  All courses required for the certificate must be passed with a grade of “C” or better.