Feb 07, 2025
ETD 2930 - Special Topics/Capstone-Engineering Technologies 1 credit Prerequisites: Successful completion of all foundation courses and at least 4 advanced courses or permission of the Dean Required: THIS COURSE IS REQUIRED AND IS DESIGNED FOR STUDENTS PREPARING TO GRADUATE AND TRANSITION TO EMPLOYMENT AND/OR CONTINUING EDUCATION.
This capstone course will provide the opportunity for students to demonstrate what they have learned in the AS Architectural Design and Construction Technology and AS Civil Engineering Technology Programs and gauge their ability to apply it. Students will engage in active discussions on engineering related topics and issues, particularly those that relate to current events. This course also requires the student to write a short paper on a contemporary engineering topic or issue. Additionally, the student will prepare a cover letter and resume specifically for a design or engineering related position that he or she finds posted locally, nationally, or internationally. Students not working in a related field or who desire to improve their current positions will be encouraged to apply for the positions they find. Successful completion of the course requires demonstrating learning outcomes from core courses by passing the comprehensive examination at the end of the course. Students are also strongly encouraged to take one or more appropriate industry recognized certification examinations during this course, if they have not already done so.
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