The Associate in Science in Early Childhood Education prepares students for immediate employment educating children from birth through age eight years in a variety of settings, as well as transfer to specific Bachelor’s Degree programs in the Florida College System. You may earn College Credit Certificates related to your program of study as you earn your AS.
Preschool Specialization (12 credits)
Inclusion Specialization (12 credits)
Child Development Specialization (36 credits)
Those who wish to earn an A.S. may include the coursework for these credentials as part of their degree. Those who wish to complete the Florida Tier III credential with no general education courses may complete the Child Development CCC. Students in this program participate in comprehensive courses that are centered on the development of children from birth through age eight years. Students must earn a C or better in all Early Childhood Education courses (including those with the following prefixes: CHD, DEP, EEC, EEX, EDF, EME, and HSC) required for the major for a course to meet degree completion requirements for the AS in ECE.
Completion of the A.S. qualifies students to serve as the Lead Teacher in child care settings and Florida Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten, and as paraprofessional educators within school districts.
Program Highlights:
Courses in Early Childhood Education equip students to become reflective and transformative educators. An emphasis on relationships between children, families, and communities in our diverse world is central to the framework of our courses and experiences. The opportunity to build a foundation of practical experience with young children in a variety of educational settings allows our students to be well prepared to enter the work force. Our students get to practice what they learn, and learn from the teachers in the field. Our faculty all have extensive experience and education in Early Childhood Education to teach in a way that complements students’ field experience. Students are supported in completing their courses on a full-time or part-time basis. All courses are available online, which allows great flexibility. Some courses are offered in a blend of face to face and online formats, as well. This offers convenience and high quality experiences for our students. Service learning and professional advocacy are also important elements of development for the educators we graduate.
Build Your Education

Admission Requirements
Students must fulfill the entrance requirements for Florida SouthWestern State College (High School Diploma or GED).
College Credit Certificates
Our college coursework certificates were designed as a result of the Florida’s Office of Early Learning’s Career Pathway initiative for professional development and career advancement in Early Childhood Education. They are offered to enhance early childhood educators’ opportunities to move through the tiers of credentials, and provide opportunities for recognition of achievement (See individual College Credit Certificates) They do not include general education coursework requirements. Students must earn a C or better in all Early Childhood Education courses (including those with the following prefixes: CHD, DEP, EEC, EEX, EDF, EME, and HSC) required for a course to meet certificate completion requirements.